At Danoffice IT, we want to be the best in the business when it comes to environment and climate, social responsibility, responsible management, diversity, equality, and inclusion. All of these important issues are grouped together under ESG and sustainability. In order to succeed, we have set five ambitious goals for ourselves as we head towards 2030 and will make these our priority in order to create new standards for our ESG management.

We have a special place in the world in that we play a special role. As a company, we are global and from our very beginning, we have worked hard to put ourselves in a position from which we can contribute and make a difference. However, we also know that our position comes with great responsibility. We are not only working to live up to this responsibility, but we are in fact constantly improving on our efforts for the benefit of our customers, our industry, and the planet we all share.


Environmental Responsibility  Social Responsibility

CO2 Neutrality

#1 Our Imprint

We understand that global IT commerce affects our climate. Therefore, we are launching new efforts ongoingly to help reduce our CO2 emissions. 
Our declared goal is to achieve at least a 50% reduction leading into 2030. Achieving 100% CO2 neutrality must be a reality in the year 2050. We plan to achieve our goal through direct reduction and secondarily through compensation for the emission we cannot avoid as part of our business operations. 

Sustainability, Technology, and Circular IT

#2 Our Environment

The IT industry is responsible for a large amount of globally increasing waste and in addition to that, the industry is responsible for a substantial amount of overall global CO2 emissions. We work to promote circular IT behavior to reduce the negative environmental imprint created by IT manufacturing and IT waste. 
Heading towards 2030, we will be intensifying our focus on more sustainable IT solutions for our customers as it relates to manufacturing, usage, transportation, and disposal of IT. Our goal is to increase our circular IT business fivefold from 2020 to 2030.

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

#3 Our Culture

Everyone has a place with us. We see and meet everyone with an open mind, both internally and externally. We will lead the way to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion within our own organization and in our industry as a whole. Therefore, we will commence initiatives to support these issues in our place of business and in our local community. Specifically, we focus on gender, ethnicity, and age. Among other things, our goal is to have a minimum of 40% of our employees and management in our organization be female no later than the year 2030.


#4 Our Responsibility

Trust and security are at the core of our work on responsibility and we are taking the lead when it comes to transparency and clean lines. We actively use our ISO 37001 certification in anti-corruption to govern our work to fight corruption and bribery. We support our employees by having clear guidelines, education, and regular auditing. In doing so, we protect them from business-related ethical dilemmas. Our goal as we move towards 2030 and in the future to come, is to maintain our current ISO certification and maintain our zero-violation status.


#5 Our Leadership

We put a great amount of effort into empowering responsibility and transparency in our everyday lives and into ensuring that our Management live up to these standards as well. We do so to ensure transparent communication about decisions made by our Management and in these efforts, democracy and justice are key elements.

Leading into 2030, our goal is to ensure that the wellbeing of our employees and our declared ESG goals have a correlative effect on the compensation paid to all members of the Management in Danoffice IT.

ESG in Our Business

We incorporate our responsibility into all aspects of our business. Therefore, all our departments are now affected by ESG as it relates to responsibility. For instance, if you read our COP report, you will learn about our anti-corruption and anti-bribery efforts, our commitment to Run for a Purpose, and even the coffee we drink every day in the office.

Learn about our most recent ESG developments below.

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